Witraże kościoła parafialnego pw. św. Antoniego Padewskiego w Osiekach
Stained glass of the parish Church of Saint Anthony of Padua in Osieki
Author(s): Krystyna RypniewskaSubject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, History, Archaeology, History of Church(es), Local History / Microhistory, Theology and Religion
Published by: Biblioteka Wyższego Seminarium Duchownego Diecezji Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskiej
Keywords: art stained glass;Pomeranian stained glass;Osieki;
Summary/Abstract: In the historic church in Osieki there are interesting works of stained glass. They come fromdifferent, mutually distant historical periods testifying about local communities, cultural context,payers and finally artistic skills of performers . In the southern nave of the church there isone of the two that had once existed modern stained glass dated from around 1600. Despite thedamage occurred there is still a readable piece of enamel painted composition which authenticityis confirmed by the preserved invaluable sources, mainly by the inventory of Rudolf Hardowamade in the 30s of the XX century at the request of the Landesmuseum in Szczecin. Thecatalog included about 800 Pomeranian stained glass of the XVI and XVII century in a descriptiveand – now existing only residually – a drawing one. Moreover, we have additional informationabout other unknown Renaissance colored panes thanks to the archaeological researchundertaken in 2015 and the acquired invaluable research material. It confirmed not only theexistence of the modern glass cabinet in the windows of the chancel, but also the later stainedglass from the late XIX century. The today’s choir stained glass windows are associated withthe last pre-war foundation of Hildebrand family, then the owners of the property in Osieki.
Journal: Rocznik Skrzatuski
- Issue Year: 2016
- Issue No: 4
- Page Range: 141-158
- Page Count: 18
- Language: Polish