Skrzatuskie spotkania młodzieży wobec kulturowych i pastoralnych wyzwań współczesnego świata młodych
Skrzatusz – meetings of the young in the face of cultural and pastoral challenges of modern world
Author(s): Wojciech WójtowiczSubject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Pastoral Theology
Published by: Biblioteka Wyższego Seminarium Duchownego Diecezji Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskiej
Keywords: Skrzatusz;meetings of the young;ministry of the young;culture of the young;religiousness of the young;
Summary/Abstract: The article discusses the annual diocesan meetings of young people in the sanctuary of OurLady of Sorrows in Skrzatusz, which for several years is the biggest pastoral event in the dioceseof Koszalin-Kolobrzeg. It is an attempt to synthetic description of the event, while at thesame time form of reports, evaluations and attempt to relate it to the whole cultural and pastoralchallenges that flow from the world of young people. In this perspective, despite the need forfurther analysis and adjustments, this meeting is certainly a moment of evangelization of youngpeople and the Christian response to their various problems.
Journal: Rocznik Skrzatuski
- Issue Year: 2015
- Issue No: 3
- Page Range: 57-74
- Page Count: 18
- Language: Polish