Yabanci Dilde Deyimlerin Öğretimi İçin Bir Araç Geliştirme Denemesi
An Experience Of Developing Material For Teaching Idioms In Foreign Language Teaching
Author(s): Nilgün YavuzSubject(s): Language studies, Education, Foreign languages learning
Published by: Ankara Üniversitesi TÖMER
Keywords: foreign language teaching; idiom teaching; cultural awareness; material development;
Summary/Abstract: Idioms are the extensions of the culture so the cultural awereness is required. In foreign language teaching, learners should be able to compare the idioms which are used in the native language and in the foreign language and notice the similar and different characteristics of the idioms. In native language competence, the learners have got variable input. In this regard, difficulties are experienced in foreign language teaching. Therefore, in this study teaching of idioms in the foreign language is discussed. In this study, the definition of the idioms and metaphors are given. Then, the effect of the culture on the usage of the idioms is exemplified. Teaching of the idioms is different from word teaching. For this reason, in this study the process of the remembrence of the idioms is explained. At the end of the study, designed tool for teaching idioms is presented.
Journal: Dil Dergisi
- Issue Year: 2010
- Issue No: 147
- Page Range: 7-21
- Page Count: 15
- Language: Turkish