Debata o ARD Mediathek i ZDF Mediathek i testu javne vrednosti
The Debate about ARD Mediathek and ZDF Mediathek and the Public Value Test
Author(s): Barbara ThomassSubject(s): Media studies, Public Law, Management and complex organizations, Sociology of Politics
Published by: Fakultet političkih nauka Univerziteta u Beogradu
Keywords: public service broadcasting; ARD; YDF; public value test; online TV;
Summary/Abstract: Since 2001, the second public service channel in Germany, ZDF, offers its so called Mediathek, which is an online-portal for productions of the corporation, offering programs of recent months, live-streams, archives with programs on demand and online-first-programs. It was relaunched in September 2007. The first (and bigger) public service channel ARD, followed in May 2008 with a Mediathek planned and launched by one of its forming corporations, the SWR, which was first presented as well in September 2007. Both services are subject of commentaries of manz actors in media policy and comercial broadcasters. A special complaint was brought by the German association of commercial broadcasters, VPRT, to the European Commission, which ruled, that public service broadcasting should redefine its mission, and submit new services to so called three-step test, which ill scrutinize the public value of new programs and services. Therefore the German broadcasting law has to be changed. On this ground the debate about the forms of the test is ongoing inside and outside the public service broadcasters. Reference in this debate is the already implemented public value test which is enforced by BBC. This contribution will present in a first step the main features of the public service portals and will then describe how they were valued in the public sphere. It will then explain the background situation of media politics and describe the essentials of procedure of evaluating new services. Therefore the differences between the BBC public value test and the three-step test, which was in previous form developed and decided by the YDF in December 2007 will be analysed. The contribution will finalize with a an outlook to new draft of the broadcasting low implementing the three-step test.
Journal: CM Komunikacija i mediji
- Issue Year: 3/2008
- Issue No: 9
- Page Range: 49-60
- Page Count: 12
- Language: Serbian