Integrated Reporting – A research review Cover Image

Sprawozdawczość zintegrowana – przegląd badań
Integrated Reporting – A research review

Author(s): Bogusława Bek-Gaik
Subject(s): Economy, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Stowarzyszenie Księgowych w Polsce
Keywords: corporate reporting; integrated reporting; sustainable development; corporate social responsibility

Summary/Abstract: Integrated Reporting emerged as a new reporting practice in 2013. Its primary aim was to enhance the effectiveness of communicating to external stakeholders information on how value is created by organizations. Adoption of integrated reporting was also expected to solve a number of problems encountered when producing the traditional financial reports, and in particular – to eliminate the financial statements' inability to identify and include all sources of value creation within an organization, the interrelations between sustainability and financial performance and the absence of communicating the information on the organization's business model.The purpose of this article is to review the research on the subject of integrated reporting and an attempt at answering the question regarding the future of integrated reporting. The article discusses the key elements and the reasons why integrated reporting has been introduced into reporting practice. First, the article discusses the framework structure and principles of integrated reporting, and then it proceeds to presentation of a review of selected academic research pertaining to integrated reporting. The article draws on the results of the literature studies on the subject, the results of earlier research work completed by the author, as well as on the observations of the business practice in the field of integrated reporting. The summary of the research results does not provide any explicit conclusion on whether integrated reporting is to become a commonly accepted corporate reporting practice in the future.

  • Issue Year: 2017
  • Issue No: 92
  • Page Range: 9-28
  • Page Count: 20
  • Language: Polish
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