Uzależnienie strategiczne: Perspektywa sieci międzyorganizacyjnych
Strategic addiction: Inter-organizational networks perspective
Author(s): Janusz Marek Lichtarski, Katarzyna Piórkowska, Krzysztof ĆwikSubject(s): Business Economy / Management, Accounting - Business Administration
Published by: Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
Keywords: inter-organizational network; strategic addiction; network embeddedness; network power;
Summary/Abstract: The aim of the paper is to identify and explain the phenomenon „strategic addiction” comprehended as organizational (network member) addiction to operate in a given inter-organizational network in terms of strong ties with the other network members. The strategic addiction has been highlighted from two perspectives: a network member (an enterprise(s) being addicted) and an integrator (an enterprise that addicts). The aim has been realized through deepened literature review. Consequently, threats and limits of widely understood network cooperation with regard to the network embeddedness phenomenon have been emphasized as well as the research directions have been posed.
Journal: Organizacja i Kierowanie
- Issue Year: 176/2017
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 65-77
- Page Count: 13
- Language: Polish