Kapitał jako kategoria analityczna: Marks – Bourdieu
Capital as the analitycal category: Marx – Bourdieu
Author(s): Barbara MarkowskaSubject(s): Economy, History and theory of sociology, Social Theory, Sociology of Culture, Sociology of Politics
Published by: Collegium Civitas
Keywords: capital; cultural capital; symbolic capital; Marx; Bourdieu
Summary/Abstract: This text attempts to consider the relationship between economics and culture through the analysis of the category of cultural capital of Pierre Bourdieu in the context of its roots in the concept of Karl Marx’s capital. The main aim of the article is an attempt to answer the question of why capital seems to be necessary analytical category, without which it is impossible to capture and describe the mechanism of capitalizing symbolic resources so characteristic for logic of late capitalism.
Journal: Zoon Politikon
- Issue Year: 6/2015
- Issue No: 6
- Page Range: 109-126
- Page Count: 18
- Language: Polish