Interaction via Remote Controlling in Virtual Learning Environment
Interaction via Remote Controlling in Virtual Learning Environment
Author(s): Hüseyin Aşkın Erdem, Semih Utku, Şen ÇakırSubject(s): ICT Information and Communications Technologies
Published by: UIKTEN - Association for Information Communication Technology Education and Science
Keywords: Virtual reality; Virtual learning environment; Remote controlling; Interaction;
Summary/Abstract: This work basically investigates the interaction without touching (remote controlling) method which is one of the methods to establish interaction with virtual environments. This method enables the user to navigate or modify objects in the virtual environment by interacting with it without the need to use any input devices. When the virtual environment is started, the user image is recorded via web camera and the images coming from camera are processed on computer and reflected back to the user. By this way, user can navigate through virtual environment and can interact with it. Also, this virtual application aims to enable primary school students with no skill yet in using mouse and keyboard to navigate the virtual environment. The evaluation forms related with the virtual class menus that are included in the virtual environment were utilized in the virtual application’s tests done in the classes. Statistical data retrieved from these tests were investigated in this work.
Journal: TEM Journal
- Issue Year: 6/2017
- Issue No: 3
- Page Range: 450-463
- Page Count: 14
- Language: English