Drivers of Student Entrepreneurship in Visegrad Four Countries: Guesss Evidence
Drivers of Student Entrepreneurship in Visegrad Four Countries: Guesss Evidence
Author(s): Marian Holienka, Péter Gál, Zuzana KovacicovaSubject(s): Economy
Published by: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze - Fakulta podnikohospodářská
Keywords: entrepreneurship; university students; drivers; GUESSS
Summary/Abstract: The aim of our paper is to find out what drives student entrepreneurs in Visegrad (V4) countries (i.e. the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia) in their business activities. Our analysis is built on 2016 data from GUESSS project – an extensive academic study on student entrepreneurship, and our main sample comprises of 15,971 V4 university students. Potential drivers from individual human and social capital characteristics, perceived institutional support, and demographic attributes are examined, using the logistic regression method. Applying a unique perspective and distinguishing between different types of student entrepreneurs, we focus especially on promisingly sustainable student entrepreneurs with already active businesses, who plan to continue them after completing their studies. According to our results, gender (being a male), increasing age together with dropping number of years to finish studies, intensity of entrepreneurship education, studying in a business-related field, and having entrepreneurial parents significantly drive student entrepreneurship inclinations during their university studies.
Journal: Central European Business Review
- Issue Year: 6/2017
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 54-63
- Page Count: 10
- Language: English