Traditional Practices and European Requirements: Metamorphoses of Tradition in Regionally Marked Meat Specialties in Bulgaria Cover Image
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Традиционни практики и европейски изисквания: превъплъщения на традицията в регионално означени месни специалитети в България
Traditional Practices and European Requirements: Metamorphoses of Tradition in Regionally Marked Meat Specialties in Bulgaria

Author(s): Nikolay Vukov
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Anthropology, Social Sciences, Economy, Micro-Economics, Agriculture, Economic policy, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development, Tourism, EU-Legislation
Published by: Институт за етнология и фолклористика с Етнографски музей при БАН
Keywords: traditional food; meat specialties; protected designations; European regulations; local specificity

Summary/Abstract: The article is dedicated to the relationships between traditional and modern, local and European – from the viewpoint of the procedures of certifying food products with traditional character or designated geographical origin. On the basis of examples from the production, distribution and promotion of meat products, such as Gornooryahovski sudjuk, Elenski but and Smyadovska lukanka, the article analyzes the role of food in forming notions of local specificity, which is based on the idea of traditional practices and tastes, whilst being in accordance with the European regulations and standards of producing certified traditional products.

  • Issue Year: XLIII/2017
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 187-212
  • Page Count: 26
  • Language: Bulgarian
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