Abortion Debate from the Perspectives of Islamic-Conservative Female Writers: A Critical Analysis Cover Image

Íslami Muhafazakâr Kadin Yazarlarin Perspektifinden Kürtaj Tartişmasi: Eleştirel Bir Değerlendírme
Abortion Debate from the Perspectives of Islamic-Conservative Female Writers: A Critical Analysis

Author(s): Çağla Kubilay
Subject(s): Gender Studies, Civil Law, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Islam studies, Sociology of Religion
Published by: Rasim Özgür DÖNMEZ
Keywords: abortion; prohibition of abortion; Islamic conservative female writers; “my body; my choice”; body; biopolitics;

Summary/Abstract: After being legalized in 1983 as a result of a political strategy based on prevention of population growth, abortion had not been a subject of public debate. In the last days of May in 2012, when former prime minister gave a statement as: “I consider abortion as a murder” and “Every abortion is Uludere”, the concept became a prominent subject of a nationwide debate. In this debate, two major opposing groups occurred: a group focused on the right of the embryo to gestate and be born on the one hand and the other focused on women’s rights to control their body. This study aims to analyse Islamic conservative female writers’ approaches against both men in Islamic community supporting ban on abortion and the opponents of ban by using the slogan “my body, my right.” In order to analyse their position, female writers’ all columns and published interviews about the debate held one-month period from the beginning of the debate are used as a method to analyse the subject.

  • Issue Year: 6/2014
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 387-421
  • Page Count: 35
  • Language: Turkish
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