Celebracja liturgiczna jako locus homilii
Liturgical Celebration as the Locus of the Homily
Author(s): Bogusław MigutSubject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Pastoral Theology
Published by: Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Keywords: liturgy; liturgical celebration; homily; homilist; sermon; preacher; homily as mystagogy
Summary/Abstract: Many definitions of the homily say that it is delivery of the Word of God during liturgy. However, there is no rift between the Divine Word and liturgy. Liturgy is the acting of Christ and Church and at the same time sacramental delivery of the Divine Word. As the Church herself and liturgical celebration with the homily therein are created by the Holy Spirit, so is our humanity and the humanity of the Word Incarnate. The homily is not only about exegesis, neither is it a deliberate action upon emotions or an explication of the truths of the faith, but rather it is intended to manifest the saving mystery of Christ as well as liturgy that springs from within the Holy Trinity by the power of the Holy Spirit, Man helping. The homily is mystagogy whose methods have been explained in recent years by Stanisław Dyk. In his opinion, the homily comprises three stages: the unveiling of the Mystery, transition to participation in the Mystery, and transition to being similar to the Mystery (Christlikeness).
Journal: Roczniki Teologiczne
- Issue Year: 64/2017
- Issue No: 8
- Page Range: 83-95
- Page Count: 13
- Language: Polish