Outsourcing na rynku usług telekomunikacyjnych w Polsce
Outsourcing on the Telecommunications Services Market in Poland
Author(s): Wiesław M. MaziarzSubject(s): Economy, Business Economy / Management
Published by: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
Keywords: outsourcing; the telecommunications services market; telecommunications operators
Summary/Abstract: This article is talking about outsourcing on the telecommunications services marketin Poland. It presents the theoretical aspects of outsourcing related to its defining,functional scope and typology. The article contains a characteristics of the forms used inthe practice of outsourcing market by selected Polish telecommunications operators anddraws attention on the range of potential benefits resulting from the adoption of an outsourcingsolutions. The article indicate also the outlook for the outsourcing forms ofmanagement in the telecommunications market in Poland.
Journal: Ekonomiczne Problemy Usług
- Issue Year: 2015
- Issue No: 117
- Page Range: 403-412
- Page Count: 10
- Language: Polish