Financial Standing of Young Consumers and Their Financial Competences in the Light of Research Findings
Financial Standing of Young Consumers and Their Financial Competences in the Light of Research Findings
Author(s): Anna Dąbrowska, Mirosława Janoś-KresłoSubject(s): Business Economy / Management, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Instytut Badań Rynku, Konsumpcji i Koniunktur
Keywords: young people; consumers; financial standing; competences;
Summary/Abstract: The segment of young consumers meets a particular interest on the side of both market researchers and business. As it was noticed in the report Bogactwo mądrości – spełnianie potrzeb starszych konsumentów: “The prevailing in recent decades cult of youth has shaped the way in which firms perceive the consumer. Though at present the bigger and bigger and more and more influential group of consumers are individuals aged 50+, the majority of suppliers of products and services have still been designing and adjusting their offer only to the young generation” (Deloitte, 2012).It is this group of consumers which is perceived as one of potential and innovative consumers. Hence the knowledge of the young people’s financial standing, competences, behaviour is of substantial cognitive and applicative importance. An aim of the article is to present the young Poles’ financial standing in the light of findings of the survey for the National Register of Debts1 as well as the selected competences of young consumers based on results of the quantitative (main2 ) survey carried out among 1000 Poles (recognised as at least minimally competent) in August 2013, for two groups: individuals aged 18-29 accounting for 26% and, for comparison, aged 30-39 accounting for 14% of the population surveyed. The survey was carried out with the use of a questionnaire of the survey by the CATI (computer-assisted telephone interview) method. The surveys carried out by NRD show that more than 1/3 of young Poles receive money from parents or family, or have bills paid thereby. Independently able to subsist is every fourth 25-30-years old individual and as much as 14% 30-years old ones. Young people are more often satisfied than dissatisfied with their financial standing. Almost every second young Pole is satisfied or very satisfied with their financial standing; only 23% are dissatisfied or highly dissatisfied. As much as 30% of the respondents were unable to evaluate their standing. Young Poles’ households’ incomes are highly diversified. On average, young Poles’ families have at their disposal the amount of 2,669 zlotys per month. Living on credit is for many young people the only possibility to start their independent lives. Almost one half of Poles up to the age of 35 years availed themselves with credits and loans whenever. In turn, the authors’ surveys indicate that financial competences of young Poles require educational activities whose need is indicated by the respondents. Many young people do not plan their budget or special purpose spending, do not prepare a purchase list, although many young people display high self-assessment of their competences as regards finance management. The presented research findings have the cognitive and applicative character. The article is of the research nature.
Journal: Handel Wewnętrzny
- Issue Year: 351/2014
- Issue No: 4
- Page Range: 130-143
- Page Count: 14
- Language: English