Segmentacja konsumentów z uwzględnieniem skłonności do zaakceptowania innowacji w produktach żywnościowych pochodzenia zwierzęcego
Segmentation of Consumers Taking into Account the Willingness to Accept Innovation in Food Products of Animal Origin
Author(s): Marta Sajdakowska, Krystyna Gutkowska, Sylwia Żakowska-BiemansSubject(s): National Economy, Health and medicine and law, Demography and human biology, Financial Markets
Published by: Instytut Badań Rynku, Konsumpcji i Koniunktur
Keywords: segmentation; consumer; innovation; food;
Summary/Abstract: Introduction: Despite the observed changes in the production and distribution of food, the share of products with innovative attributes is relatively low, which requires identification of the demand-related factors that determine the willingness to accept innovation. Objective: The main objective of the study was to identify factors that influence Polish consumers’ attitude towards changes in the food market and factors differentiating their willingness to accept innovation in food products of animal origin. Material and methods: The study was conducted using direct interviews with a group of 1,000 consumers aged over 15 years in the period from 8 to 16 June 2011. Results: As a result of the cluster analysis two segments of consumers were identified: enthusiasts (35%) and sceptics of new food products (65%). The segment of enthusiasts was dominated by younger consumers with higher level of education, good income situation. They welcomed the changes in the food market and accepted innovation in animal food products leading to reduction of cholesterol and lowering levels of certain ingredients such as salt or sugar. Enrichment of milk and milk products with vitamins and minerals was least accepted. Among the consumers belonging to the segment of ”sceptics”, statistically significantly lower mean scores of the level of acceptance of the proposed innovation were observed than in the segment of “enthusiasts”. Consumers representing the two segments usually describe innovators as being “modern”, “fashionable” and “liking risk”. Conclusions: The tendency to accept innovation in the identified segments is determined by variables such as age, education and income levels. Consumers have a positive attitude to most of the proposed innovations but greater acceptance are gaining changes aimed at reducing negatively connoted ingredients rather than food fortification. No significant differences in perception of innovators are observed between consumers representing segments with different willingness to accept new products.
Journal: Handel Wewnętrzny
- Issue Year: 2013
- Issue No: 4
- Page Range: 142-155
- Page Count: 14
- Language: Polish