From Labourer to a Flamenco Star. Metamorphoses of Carmen In Spanish Cinema Cover Image

Od robotnicy do gwiazdy flamenco. Metamorfozy Carmen w kinie hiszpańskim
From Labourer to a Flamenco Star. Metamorphoses of Carmen In Spanish Cinema

Author(s): Joanna Aleksandrowicz
Subject(s): Film / Cinema / Cinematography
Published by: Instytut Sztuki Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Keywords: Carmen;flamenco;Spanish cinema;Mérimée Prosper

Summary/Abstract: The analysis of five different Spanish screen adaptations of Carmen by Prosper Mérimée reveals how these films, made in different periods, reflect cultural and political changes, dominant ideologies and changing fashions and fantasies. In Spanish film adaptations Carmen has many faces. She is considered to be an icon of españolada, at the same time she is a proud Gypsy pretending to be a Basque, a rebel desiring freedom above all else, yet another incarnation of femme fatale, but also a converted sinner – pious and in love with a soldier, and not with her own independence. On-screen references to Carmen, often dressed in ironic quotation marks and appearing on the margins of – it would appear – unrelated stories are also interesting.

  • Issue Year: 2017
  • Issue No: 97-98
  • Page Range: 94-112
  • Page Count: 19
  • Language: Polish
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