Media in the vicious circle of group autostereotypes – factor for social nihilism Cover Image

Медиите в порочния кръг на груповите автостереотипи – фактор за обществен нихилизъм
Media in the vicious circle of group autostereotypes – factor for social nihilism

Author(s): Zina Sokolova
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Library and Information Science
Published by: Софийски университет »Св. Климент Охридски«
Keywords: stereotype; print media; sustainable; national nihilism

Summary/Abstract: The article attempt a typology of sustainable negative stereotypes that occur in modern Bulgarian press concerning various spheres of public life. The survey covers one of the most popular newspapers in the country in the period from October 1, 2014 to January 31, 2015 – 24 chasa, Trud, Standard, Monitor, Sega. The answers to the following questions are looked for: What are the most common negative stereotypes in Bulgarian print media? What perceptions and attitudes do they form in the readership? When are they used?

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