Deficiencies in the doctor-sick people/patient relationship. Chances and possibilities at the intersection of bioethical and sociology of health investigations Cover Image

Deficitek az orvos-beteg/páciens kapcsolatban – esélyek és lehetőségek bioetikai és egészségszociológiai vizsgálatok metszéspontjain
Deficiencies in the doctor-sick people/patient relationship. Chances and possibilities at the intersection of bioethical and sociology of health investigations

Author(s): Erzsébet Rózsa
Subject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Debreceni Egyetem Politikatudományi és Szociológiai Intézet
Keywords: doctor-sick people/patient relationship; bioethics; sociology, interdisciplinarity; sociocultural perspective; modernization; modern medicine; civilization deficits and challenges

Summary/Abstract: This paper brings into focus the theme of doctor-sick people/patient relationship by means of boethical principles interpreted in sociocultural perspective. The author, based on German literature, holds that the transformation of docor-sick people relationship [Arzt-Kranke-Verhältnis] into doctor-patient relationship [Arzt-Patient-Verhältnis] is one of the conditions and elements of modern medicine. Its realization requires disseminate and making general the patient’s principle of autonomy, his right to self determination and his right to informed consent in Hungarian patient care. This civilization challenge –namely the adjustment of the quality of all elements of medicine (including attitudes) to the criteria and standards of modern medicine –is the interest of all concerned in health care. In this setting interdisciplinary work is being offered by bioethics, for example to the sociology of health.

  • Issue Year: 6/2017
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 203-227
  • Page Count: 25
  • Language: Hungarian
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