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Artistic Laboratory – Affective Realism: Joanna Rajkowska’s Practice
Author(s): Agnieszka Dauksza, Joanna RajkowskaSubject(s): Social Sciences, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Psychology, Visual Arts, Sociology, Individual Psychology, Social psychology and group interaction, Clinical psychology
Published by: Instytut Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Keywords: Rajkowska; matter; relationality; embodiment; suicide; visuality
Summary/Abstract: The point of departure for this interview is the new project Suicidal Women (2016) by the visual artist Joanna Rajkowska, as well as the question of how the image impacts the viewer. For Rajkowska, the reception and description of contemporary art needs to be not merely rational but also based on impression and affect. The interview touches on questions of relationality, materiality and embodiment as essential aspects of the creative process. Rajkowska compares her work to the functioning of a ‘seismograph’ – being sensitive to the energy of spaces that demand artistic intervention. Other topics include the artist’s method and tools, her engagement, her critique of participation and of academic training as an artistic tool. The following works by Rajkowska are discussed: Suicidal Women, Greetings from Jerusalem Avenue, I Will Never Be a Pope. I Will Never Be Andy Warhol, Benjamin in Konya, Oxygenator, Rosa’s Passage, Trafostationtion
Journal: Teksty Drugie
- Issue Year: 2017
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 421-431
- Page Count: 11
- Language: Polish
- Content File-PDF