Suspendarea judecării cauzei pe perioada soluționării excepției de neconstituționalitate în lumina exigențelor art. 6 din Convenția pentru apărarea drepturilor omului și a libertăților fundamentale, cu referire specială la domeniul procedurii penale
The suspension of judgment of the case for the duration of settlement of the non-constitutionality exception, in the light of the requirements of art. 6 of the Convention for the defense of human rights and fundamental freedoms, with special referenc
Author(s): Liviu Herghelegiu, Ovidiu PredescuSubject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
Published by: Uniunea Juriștilor din România
Keywords: non-constitutionality exception; suspension of judgment; reasonable deadline; celerity.
Summary/Abstract: The article reviews the effects of suspending the judgment of the case during the settlement of the non-constitutionality exception, by reference to art. 6 of the Convention for the defense of human rights and fundamental freedoms, in particular in what regards the requirement of a reasonable hearing term and of celerity of the criminal trial. In addition, the consequences of resolution no. 3/ 2010 of the Constitutional Court on pending criminal procedures on the dockets of the courts of law are discussed.
Journal: Revista „Dreptul”
- Issue Year: 2010
- Issue No: 09
- Page Range: 196-199
- Page Count: 4
- Language: Romanian
- Content File-PDF