Tourism in development role of Gornja Trepča spa Cover Image

Туризам у функцији развоја бање Горња Трепча
Tourism in development role of Gornja Trepča spa

Author(s): Sanja Pavlović
Subject(s): Geography, Regional studies, Tourism
Published by: Српско географско друштво
Keywords: tourism; spa; traffic; facilities; Gornja Trepča

Summary/Abstract: In this paper are allocated phases in tourism development in Gornja Trepča spa, signified on present and prospective kinds of tourism. Tourist traffic is analyzed from statistical references in the seventh decade of the last century to 2006. It has done comparation the number of tourists and nights in Gornja Trepča spa with spa spaces in Serbia. Accommodation facilities are showed in dependence to number of beds and contents they offer. It's analyzed preferences and demerits for tourism development in this spa settlement. It's concluded that exist good base, but it's required investments and bigger involvement of regional population in order to increase offer and demand on tourist market.

  • Issue Year: 88/2008
  • Issue No: 4
  • Page Range: 99-108
  • Page Count: 10
  • Language: Serbian
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