Porphyry and His Comentator David the Invincible (Anacht) Cover Image

Porfirijas ir jo komentatorius Dovydas Nenugalimasis (Anacht)
Porphyry and His Comentator David the Invincible (Anacht)

Author(s): Juozas Žilionis
Subject(s): Epistemology, Logic, Ancient Philosphy
Published by: Visuomeninė organizacija »LOGOS«
Keywords: Porphyry; David Anacht; Neo-Platonism; being; predicables; logic;

Summary/Abstract: The article considers the main stages of Porphyry’s spiritual development and his concept of logic. Porphyry employed logic in search for the laws of practical life and tried to deduce instrumental precepts form them. He regarded the Good as the highest worth of life and identified it with the pure intellect and perfection of human mind. Alexandrian School was especially concerned about commentaries of Aristotle and Plato, therefore it included semantic theory of Porphyry into teaching program. Since then the Isagoge had become one of the most important textbooks of logic. David the Invincible, influenced by Neo-Platonists, treated logic as the integral part of philosophy and as an instrument of philosophical cognition. He regarded Porphyry’s Isagoge as the organon for the apprehension of being. David’s treatises, Bible translations and commentaries contributed much for the development of Armenian philosophy and elaboration of its terminology. Using various teaching methods he introduced Hellenism and Nominalism into the medieval school of Armenian philosophy.

  • Issue Year: 2010
  • Issue No: 62
  • Page Range: 73-83
  • Page Count: 11
  • Language: Lithuanian
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