Special features of timbral color in piano music by Chu Wanhua (on the material of the «Yellow river» piano concerto) Cover Image

Особливості тембрового колориту фортепіанної музики Чу Ванхуа (на матеріалі концерту для фортепіано з оркестром «Жовта ріка»)
Special features of timbral color in piano music by Chu Wanhua (on the material of the «Yellow river» piano concerto)

Author(s): Fan Lu
Subject(s): Theatre, Dance, Performing Arts, Music
Published by: Національна академія керівних кадрів культури і мистецтв
Keywords: timbre; timbre color; Chinese piano music; Chu Wanhua; «Yellow River» Piano Concerto;

Summary/Abstract: The article reveals the peculiarities of timbral color in piano music by Chu Wanhua taking for an example the «Yellow River» Piano Concerto – the main work of the Chinese piano music of the twentieth century, where a brilliantly original creative talent of the composer was fully realized. Methodology. The research methodology is based on the principles of holistic analysis of musical composition, using elements of style and performance analysis. The comparative method reveals the relationship between the national musical tradition and style specifics of the Chu Wanhua music. Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty of this study lies in examination of the timbral color in the piano concerto «Yellow River» in the light of its connection with the reception of Chinese folklore. Conclusions. The piano concerto «Yellow River» shows a typical type of interaction of modal, rhythmic and textural organization of sound material, which determines the individual timbre color of Chu Wanhua’s music. The fundamental basis on the folk sources leads to the genre specificity of creative statement and the poliphonization of piano texture and defines the unique, national piano sound image.

  • Issue Year: 2017
  • Issue No: 31
  • Page Range: 118-125
  • Page Count: 8
  • Language: Ukrainian
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