Focus on the Word in the practice of performances Cover Image

Focus on the Word in the practice of performances

Author(s): Larysa Ivanivna Khorolets
Subject(s): Language studies, Theatre, Dance, Performing Arts, Fine Arts / Performing Arts
Published by: Національна академія керівних кадрів культури і мистецтв
Keywords: Ukrainian literary language; orthoepia; social significance;

Summary/Abstract: Purpose of Research. The purposes of the research are to determine the importance of a full-scale and brilliant functioning of the Ukrainian language, to distinguish the main components’ specific features of the scenic speech in accordance with the classification of scenarios and to identify the characteristics of their composition structure, methods and means of the speech embodiment. Methodology. The methodology of the research consists of the art criticism, functional, comparative and analytical methods. The author uses them to study the a specialist’s creative work at the stage speech as a complex, synthesizing and synthetic basis of playing in theatrical productions; to analyse the genre particularities of scenic speech and performance, to examine the types of scenarios, to construct their literary materials, the principles of classification and the main components of recording and techniques of speech. Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty of the research is to systematize the views and recommendations of the classics and contemporary stage masters, concerning a literary stage speech in theatrical productions, the conceptuality of all components of stage speech as an artistic phenomenon, connected by the complex actions of the human speech apparatus, its breathing, voice and neuro-psychic processes and means of artistic and emotional expressiveness. Conclusions. Thus, the author states that the stage speech is the necessary basis of any stage or mass action, which is built according to all the rules of theatrical art. In the stage speech the pronunciation is its external form as well as the important expressive means of acting alongside intonation. To get nessesary proffesional skills we should study – "speech technology", which serves not as an external form, but as a carrier of ideological and artistic tasks of content and features of national specifics

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