Wokół przyszłości Unii Europejskiej. Niemieckie debaty
On the future of the European Union: German debates
Author(s): Peter MunkeltSubject(s): Government/Political systems, Military policy, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development
Published by: Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM Uniwersytetu Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego w Krakowie
Keywords: European Union; Germany; crises; SPD;
Summary/Abstract: The article raises the matter of the European Union‘s future in the context of discussions in Germany held by politicians and leading media on the causes of „separation“ of the community of states. The main reasons for that situation are noticed and analyzed: neoliberal domination with, first and foremost, restrictive financial policy forged by the German government, fears concerning globalization that strengthen the right populist and the right extremist forces as well as failures of social-democrats and the shifts in the international order. The solutions have been offered that either so far proved to be ineffective (Multi-speed Europe or Core Europe) or threatens with the return of the Cold War (military power). Nevertheless, the courageous political decision is essential, which would serve the elimination of the causes of crises in Europe and the world.
Journal: Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe
- Issue Year: XIV/2017
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 63-76
- Page Count: 14
- Language: German