Obszary koncentracji bezrobocia w przestrzeni Łodzi
The areas of concentration of unemployment in the space of Łódz
Author(s): Stanisław MordwaSubject(s): Economy, Geography, Regional studies, Rural and urban sociology
Published by: Uniwersytet Opolski
Keywords: spatial concentration; unemployment; hotspot; metropolitan area; Łódź
Summary/Abstract: The modern city is greatly socio-spatially diverse. On the basis of accom-plishments of many sociologists and geographers, it is a commonly known thesis that there exists a strong relationship between unemployment and space. The basic question of the research is: In what manner, or using what tools, can one effectively and objectively identify places of concentration (hotspots) of unemployment in city space? The part of Lódz studied in the study was the Metropolitan Area – the area which makes up the city centre and includes historical buildings that represent the city’s identity. In the arti-cle, a review of GIS techniques is made, thanks to which one can differenti-ate concentrations of unemployment. It turns out that the most accurate hot-spots were obtained by employing the hierarchical grouping method with the nearest neighbour technique and the kernel density estimation. In accor-dance with the expectations, the very centre of Lódz turns out to be affected by unemployment the most. Of all the places of concentrated unemploy-ment identified in the Metropolitan Area, the hotspot with the highest num-ber of unemployed was found in the area along Wschodnia Street.
Journal: Studia Miejskie
- Issue Year: 2017
- Issue No: 26
- Page Range: 39-50
- Page Count: 12
- Language: English, Polish