Geoinformation technologies in the process of terrain slope detection in the area of Fruska Gora with reference to potential development of slope processes Cover Image

Примена геоинформационих технологија у процесу детектовања нагиба површине терена Фрушке Горе са освртом на развој падинских процеса
Geoinformation technologies in the process of terrain slope detection in the area of Fruska Gora with reference to potential development of slope processes

Author(s): Aleksandar Ristić, Vladimir Pajić, Dušan Jovanović, Miro Govedarica, Ivana Badnjarević
Subject(s): Physical Geopgraphy, Maps / Cartography
Published by: Српско географско друштво
Keywords: digital terrain model; slope processes; landslides; remote sensing; data acquisition;

Summary/Abstract: This research aims to describe the analysis of geo-information technologies and systems and its usage in detection of terrain slope with reference to timely detection and mapping sites with a high risk of slope movement and activation of landslides. Special attention is referred to the remote sensing technology and data acquisition. In addition to acquisition, data processing is performed: the production of digital terrain model, calculating of the vegetation index NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) based on satellite image and analyses of pedology maps. The procedures of processing the satellite images in order to identify locations of high risk of slope processes are described. Several factors and identifiers are analyzed and used as input values in automatic processing which is performed through a unique algorithm. Research results are presented in raster format. The direction of further research is briefly defined. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR37017: Modeliranje stanja i strukture padinskih procesa primenom GNSS i tehnologija skeniranja laserom i georadarom]

  • Issue Year: 92/2012
  • Issue No: 4
  • Page Range: 51-62
  • Page Count: 12
  • Language: Serbian
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