The leading trends of modernist culture in Ukraine at the beginning of XX century Cover Image

Провідні тенденції модерністської культури Yкраїни початку ХХ століття
The leading trends of modernist culture in Ukraine at the beginning of XX century

Author(s): Olena Melnychuk
Subject(s): Theatre, Dance, Performing Arts, Recent History (1900 till today), Sociology of Culture
Published by: Національна академія керівних кадрів культури і мистецтв
Keywords: modernism; symbolism; new drama; culture of Ukraine;

Summary/Abstract: The article researches the leading trends in modernism culture of Ukraine at the beginning of the 20-th century. The essence of the early modernism esthetics is viewed as conglomeration of art styles which appeared and developed in the 20-th century. The general features of artistic and cultural process of the early 20-th century and its interpretation by scientists have been studied. The appearance of the modernism concept and the artistic modern style in Ukrainian cultural space has been traced. It has been found out that modernism is a combination of attempts to form the integral artistic style hostile towards eclecticism. It is characterized by symbolism poetics, emphasized aestheticism in interpretation of minor details, admiration for national romantic motives, accent on artist’s individual originality and innovations. Scientists give different reasons for the appearance of modern style. One of them is the the democratization of social life, when the slogan of the time was accessibility of the beauty to people. The brightest manifestation of modern style was in architecture. In its time, being impugned by the next generation of artists, modern style gradually became almost the embodiment of tastelessness in art. The prejudice and prematurity of that opinion was revealed only over time thanks to art critics’ careful attention on modern style. Modern style is a multifaceted and contradictory phenomenon, antinomous in its manifestation. It reveals the idea of arts synthesis. It has been pointed out that the modernistic culture of Ukraine is a combination of material and artistic values created in the modernism epoch, which are associated with it. Among the leading tendencies of modernistic culture, apart from abstract denial of prior forms and aesthetic principles, the tendency to Europeanization, symbolization, the use of suggestive art power, the interaction of different styles and trends, innovations in the aspect of renewal of artistic forms have been distinguished. In the search of new graphic means, correcting their concept positions, the participants of that literary and artistic process paid close attention to the works by both their contemporaries and forerunners; they enriched the nation’s cultural treasury, as they were not indifferent to its fate. The functioning of Europe-wide symbolism trend and its impact on the formation of Ukrainian dramatic art has been traced. Having considered the results of the previous research done by such art and culture criticism scientists as Galych, Voronyi, Yakovenko and others, the author defines symbolism as artistic and aesthetic trend in Ukrainian culture at the beginning of the 20-th century which had great influence on the development of Ukrainian cultural and artistic process. It has been pointed out that at the beginning of the 20-th century the thesis “from realism to symbolism” was widely propagated in home art, since symbolism as artistic trend and aesthetic, philosophic concept which appeared in France in the 1860-1870s, later developed into Europe-wide cultural phenomenon, sweeping theatre, art and music. However, from the very beginning it originated as a literary trend and therefore it had the impact on European and Ukrainian dramatic art that caused the formation of fundamentally new drama. The author has done the research into the existence of symbolistic drama. The process of its development was closely connected with general regularities of national culture development. It has been indicated that for a long time symbolistic drama in Ukrainian science has been either viewed apart from the symbolistic theory or has been contrasted with it occasionally; besides, Ukrainian symbolistic drama has been influenced by Russian symbolism and European “new drama”. It has been emphasized that the formation of Ukrainian drama art at the end of the 19-th and the beginning of the 20-th century can hardly be analysed out of European context. Modernism in Ukraine, which existed in enslavement and stateless conditions, developed under the influence of Western European and Russian literary impact and internal factors, and as a result had a distinctive peculiarity - national problems, therefore it was socially engaged. It often had a negative effect on the artistic and aesthetic level of works. At the same time we can consider some positive effect as well, as revolutionary thematics combined with the elements of symbolic poetics enabled original synthesis of styles. This peculiarity provided certain exclusivity of Ukrainian modern art. Conclusions. It has been concluded that the beginning of the 20-th century in Ukraine was marked by joining the Russian nationwide liberation movement. The creative power, which resisted the destructive forces at the end of the 19-th — the beginning of the 20-th century, made a powerful renovation wave, touched different forms of social consciousness, including the artistic one. The strong desire for purification and improvement of the motherland, society, individual was combined with the aspiration for apprehending the world. On the new stage theatre became the institution where an individual had to purify, experience the brightest feelings; theatre became primary not only among arts, but allegedly the centre of life. It bore particular responsibility; its opinion was taken into consideration. Consequently, the aspiration for apprehending the world by means of art had a profound impact on the dramatic search. It has been summarized that the end of the 19-th – the beginning of the 20-th century was the golden age of Ukrainian culture. It is marked by the growth of national consciousness, activities by constellation of Ukrainian artists who invaluably enriched the inland spiritual treasury

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