Традиції і пошуки в галузі архітектоніки Yкраїнського книжкового мистецтва
Traditions and seeking in the field of architectonics оf Ukrainian book art
Author(s): Veronica ZaitsevaSubject(s): Architecture, Visual Arts, Studies of Literature, Aesthetics, Sociology of Art
Published by: Національна академія керівних кадрів культури і мистецтв
Keywords: research; illustration; culture; images; book art; professional publishing; architectonics; style; rhythm; colouring;
Summary/Abstract: Research of the book culture field is an important factor in modern plastic art. The concept of «book art» covers a big area of belles-lettres and professional publishing. Any publication is a specific spatial system with its own laws of internal organization. The concept of «architectonics» reveals correlation of book elements into their logic and meaningful relations. The plastic system of a work of art is essentially the whole complex of its expressive means, united by its inner style, rhythm and colouring. In short, the plastic approach of literary images does not mean their mechanical reproduction on papers but involves the entire sophisticated system of artistic thinking in terms of images and means of expression. Therefore, the personal tastes and predilections of the graphic artist play an especially important role. The great importance of them is research and analysis of kinship illustrations and text in the publication. Compositionally combined, they create in our imagination the image is not visual and not verbal, and embodied, separated from both its media constructed at some distance from the artistic nature and specific means of art. It is in its relative autonomy and integrity - meaning the creation of architectonics edition. The principles of composite construction steel tool organizing temporal and spatial characteristics to create a new work. It is well known that our perception of reality as well as works of art, takes place in time. We do not take large items or surfaces once and a while it gradually moves to look first and see them vividly, generally, and only then consider in detail, in parts. It is very important for composite construction elements group, symmetry, proportion, rhythm, and other organizing base. Spread compositional requirements of balance, unity, contrast and nuance, proportion and scale, texture and color, material and design, clarity, volume-spatial relations are more confirmed as a necessity of modern scientific research. Book composition also formed all the listed facilities. Publishing art has long been confident in their performance. The concept of «architectonic edition» aims to reveal the relationship of elements in their publications logically meaningful communication. But the concept of «design edition» line reflects the functional and utilitarian relations. The concept of composition books logically fits into the definition of different elements into a single art form. A book art form involves parallel of the challenges figurative spatial-plastic, material, functional and decorative contents. As a result, the reader can perceive the book as a whole object from an artistic point of view and content. Using the artistic means realizing harmonious relations elements of any composition, symmetry and asymmetry are statics and dynamics, meter and rhythm, contrast and nuance, proportion and scale, texture and colour, material and design. The term «design» line reflects the functional and utilitarian relations. That text edition is not formless content arbitrarily squeezed into the appropriate cover and real structural basis of the body edition, largely determines its dynamic rhythm and book building space. Semantic text design must receive expression in the spatial composition of the publication. From the design and structure of the publication is the first general emotional idea that appears when you view the publication to read, sets the (happy, pathetic, lyrical) mood. Along with the signs, lines, spots, and other graphical forms, a major role in the publication of figurative elements play a row – illustration. Even through such simple means as placement and font figurative elements in the format specified proportions, the composition is capable of transmitting edition features style literary work, its emotional structure. Illustration is not only a graphic object as integral shaped model of a certain art world. It explains not only text, but also the reader asks a rather difficult task his decoding and reading, its relation to the text turns away ambiguous. The composition is primarily the spokesman’ harmonious combination of elements in the book and cannot be abstracted from the content and functional relationships. Retreat, space, drop cap are the signal to change the rhythm; heading, footnote, header are a signal to search and orientation in the middle of the publication. In fact, all compositional elements of the book are linked and form a single functional system. Thus, investigating and analysing of the interaction of the book composition are the coherent unity, which is the overall spatial and expressive figurative composition book ensemble
Journal: Актуальні проблеми історії, теорії та практики художньої культури
- Issue Year: 2016
- Issue No: 36
- Page Range: 261-267
- Page Count: 7
- Language: Ukrainian