Конкурсний бальний танець в європі: специфіка виконавства
The competitive ballroom dance in the europe: the specifics of the execution
Author(s): Maryna BogdanovaSubject(s): Theatre, Dance, Performing Arts, Music, Recent History (1900 till today), 15th Century, 16th Century, 17th Century, 19th Century
Published by: Національна академія керівних кадрів культури і мистецтв
Keywords: dance culture; competition; the European ballroom dance competition; competitive performance; new rhythm;
Summary/Abstract: The article describes the origin of the European competitive ballroom dancing, the art foundations of its formation and, the role in the enriching of the world dance music with the new rhythms. It is noted that the modern ballroom dancing had originated on the basis of the medieval European dance. At the turn of the XIXth-XXth centuries the African and Latin music and American dance culture had weighty influenced on it. The most of the modern ballroom dancers has the African origin with the professionally treated choreographic compositions by the representatives of the European dance schools. The competitive ballroom choreography is one of the artistic phenomenon, which is still not properly understood. The cultural-stage evolution of the phenomenon of the competitive dance in the cultural and artistic methodological contexts gives the reason to believe that this type of the art takes its rightful place in the multicultural universe of the peoples of the world, its genesis is associated with the emergence of the culture itself. The artistic bases of the formation of the phenomenon of the European competitive ballroom dance consists in the Renaissance and were further developed in the France in the XVIth-XVIIth centuries. In the twentieth century the art of competitive dance finally emerged, enriching the world music with the new dance rhythms. Since the second half of the twentieth century. The ballroom dancing spread throughout the world, attracting many fans by their entertainment. They are inherent in the virtuoso technique, expressiveness and rigor of the dance pattern that integrate the multicultural dance flavor of the peoples of the world and are the means of the international communication. The Contests competition in choreographic art is a creative competition of the dancers and choreographers in order to identify and promote the winners. In 1920 at the Imperial dance teachers union a special Council of the ballroom dancing was organized in England. The British experts have standardized the popular while dancing – waltz, fast and slow foxtrot, tango. As a result, the competition dancing had begun, and since then the ballroom dance was differentiated in the sporting and social dance. These competitions promote the further development of the choreographic art, revealing new talented dancers to improve their skills, establish the creative contacts, enhance the mutual exchange of the cultural and artistic experiences and mutual enrichment of the national choreographic schools. The competitive performance of the sporting ballroom dances is realized in three programs: the European, Latin American, and so-called "ten" (the last is named on the total number of the dances). The amateur World Championships are held under the auspices of the IDSF, and professional – on the initiative of the British dance organizations. The English competitions, for example, the UK Open, is the most prestigious in the world. The national kinds of the competitive performance of the ballroom dancing are practiced with the appropriate adversarial "American Smooth" and "American Rhythm" in the United States. On each of the competitions the dancers demonstrate their knowledge, skills and talent. It is commended the work of the particular dance school and the artistic personalities of the trainer, the leader is determined. All the American Style dances competition boldly traced the origin of the social ballroom dancing. These spectacular artistic dance forms are widely used in the USA and attracting the fans in other countries. In 1920 the English choreographers have standardized the known dances: waltz, tango, fast and slow foxtrot. In the period of 1930-1950-ies the competitive ballroom dancing was appeared, which added the Latin dances. It should be noted that at the turn of the XIXth – XXth centuries some genres of the dance art become the targeted competitive character. The above fully applies to the amateur and professional experimentation in the field of the ballroom dance that rapidly spread from the Europe and America to Australia, South Africa, New Zealand and the Far East. It was developed and international rules and standards of the ballroom dance competitions due to this movement in the twentieth century. The vitality and competitive ability of the ball choreography in the XXth-XXIth centuries led to the emergence in the Europe of the mass dances, in particular the dance hits. In the contrast of the canonized composite schemes of the many of the traditional ballroom dances, this group is characterized with the nature of the improvisation. This clearly explains the mass appeal of the dance for young people, which likes the sharp modern rhythms. Therefore, the mass dance were contributed to the marginalization of other stereotypes of the domestic dance.
Journal: Актуальні проблеми історії, теорії та практики художньої культури
- Issue Year: 2015
- Issue No: 35
- Page Range: 152-159
- Page Count: 8
- Language: Ukrainian