The humanistic paradigm in Giovanni Boccacco`S creative heritage Cover Image

Гуманістична парадигма у творчій спадщині Джованні Боккаччо
The humanistic paradigm in Giovanni Boccacco`S creative heritage

Author(s): Julia Sergeevna Sabadash
Subject(s): Customs / Folklore, Other Language Literature, Sociology of Culture, 6th to 12th Centuries, 13th to 14th Centuries
Published by: Національна академія керівних кадрів культури і мистецтв
Keywords: Humanism; The Renaissance; reality; individualism; freedom; aesthetic ideal;

Summary/Abstract: There considered career and creative activity, basic ideas and literal achievements by a famous Italian thinker and writer of the Renaissance period – Giovanni Boccaccio. There stated that Titans of the Renaissance were not the merchants and the bankers, but humanists – poets, thinkers and artists. One of the first humanists of the Renaissance was the author of «The Decameron» Giovanni Boccaccio. There pointed out that namely due to him Italian humanism in the period of antique preferences it didn’t lose its tights with “national language” and national culture. Giovanni Boccaccio was behind the emergence of the Renaissance and humanism. Note that at present, scientific publications reveal the human character of John's life and work. Boccaccio, not many, are mainly publications give a general analysis of the product of his creative literary position, not philosophy or cultural studies. Renaissance, of course, was the era of rediscovery of the world, nature and man. Beginning in Italy in the first half of the XIV century. It later engulfed the whole of Europe. Renaissance was a grand revolution in the sphere of politics and economics, and in ideology, but mostly with the revolutionary discoveries of the Renaissance was the discovery of man. The capital of the humanist movement was Florence. Its heyday began in the XI., When the city was at the crossroads of trade routes between East and West. It then emerged in Tuscan valley unique culture, which is now called the Florentine historians. In the fourteenth century. In Florentine notary and merchants were suddenly born children who would not want to be like their respectable, sober parents. They thought that we should not deal with what makes money, and that can help a person feel like a man. It is this generation laid the foundations of a new humanist culture. Realism in art and culture Boccaccio linked with new world outlook, he believed that the new realistic method by which Giotto "revived the art" was svyeridnym ideological revolution, one of the necessary preconditions of which was a deliberate targeting of writers and artists to new segments of Italian society more intelligent and educated than Florentine merchants and Neapolitan scholastics trapped in dogmas of medieval theology. A clear conception of realism and the whole epoch developed in Boccaccio later, but since the early 30s he went to her, nauchayuchys impartially evaluate people, books and the world. Boccaccio was the first who drew serious attention to the Italian oral folk art. By opening humanistic world and man came Boccaccio own way - not so much as a result of new reading classics, as influenced by the perception of contemporary reality. Conclusive top creative works became Boccaccio's "Decameron", which started the history of the genre of realistic fiction stories in Europe. This integral work, with 100 stories. "Decameron" begins with a description of the plague, which in 1348 stormed to Florence, and then swept across Europe. Feature building "Decameron" is that in this work extremely clearly apparent change estampno gothic - renaissance, God - man, theology - humanism, harmony and metaphysical necessity - the harmony of individual freedom. Company storytellers "Decameron" is born from the desire to overcome its chaos and anarchy, opposed him harmony and freedom of the new "natural rights." The narrators do not just leave zachumlenu Florence and sent to the country estate - they immediately restore trampled terror of death and human social relations and even produce something nakshtalt constitution, because for them, as indeed for the new people of the Renaissance, and all sorts dysharmoniynist disorder is a sign nezhyttyevosti. The Constitution "Decameron" - freedom, its purpose - pleasure joyful life. The "Decameron" teaches us life itself, and it teaches the art of living, not dying art, as demanded by medieval moralists. In the 50's he joined the "petrarkivskyy way" of building a new culture and wrote Latin works "On the ups and downs of famous people", "the famous women", "The Origin of pagan gods" and together with Petrarch, based on antiquities, lays the foundations humanistic "science of man". Recent years have been devoted to the works of Boccaccio Dante. On behalf of the Commune of Florence, he lectured about the "Divine Comedy" in St. Stephen. Comments to "Comedy" were his last work, he attempted to lure the world dantovskyh humanistic ideas advanced youth. Giovanni Boccaccio was one of the earliest Renaissance humanists. It should also be emphasized that it is obliged largest Italian humanism that even during peak hobbies antiquity he broke ties with the "vernacular" and folk culture

  • Issue Year: 2015
  • Issue No: 34
  • Page Range: 184-193
  • Page Count: 10
  • Language: Ukrainian
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