The Efficiency of the Modern Organization as a Result of the Process of Management by Value Cover Image

The Efficiency of the Modern Organization as a Result of the Process of Management by Value
The Efficiency of the Modern Organization as a Result of the Process of Management by Value

Author(s): Alina Śmiłowska, Magdalena Bartczak, Piotr Senkus
Subject(s): Business Economy / Management
Published by: Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach
Keywords: Working condition; Management by value; Leadership; Openness to change

Summary/Abstract: Współczesny pracownik nie oczekuje już tylko satysfakcjonującego wynagrodzenia i poczucia bezpieczeństwa pracy, ale także szansy dla rozwoju i samorealizacji. Zaspokojenie tych potrzeb wymaga od menedżerów, by stworzyć niepowtarzalne warunki pracy. Sposobem aby tak się stało jest wdrożenie przez menadżerów zarządzania przez wartości, które przyniosą wymierne rezultaty tylko, wtedy jeśli angażuje pracowników w aktywny sposób. (abstrakt oryginalny) The contemporary employee no longer expects only satisfying remuneration and a sense of job security, but also an opportunity for development and self-realization in a company. Satisfying such needs requires managers to create a unique workplace. The way to make it happen is the implementation of managing by values that will only yield rational results, however, if performed through a thought-out process that involves employees in an active manner. Starting from a accurate diagnosis of the environment, through workshops, all the way to implementation and constant improvement, the process will allow to introduce the organization to a new and more effective management system. (original abstract)

  • Issue Year: 38/2016
  • Issue No: 111
  • Page Range: 169-179
  • Page Count: 11
  • Language: English
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