Radość niedzieli „laetare”. W kierunku pogłębionej interpretacji antyfony „laetare Jerusalem”
The Joy of the „Laetare” Sunday. Towards a more Attentive Interpretation of the Antiphon „Laetare Ierusalem”
Author(s): Dominik OstrowskiSubject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Pastoral Theology
Published by: Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Keywords: antiphon “Laetare Ierusalem”; fourth Sunday of Lent; “Laetare” Sunday; joy; rose color; gold rose; history of the liturgy
Summary/Abstract: The antiphon “Laetare Ierusalem” has become an identification mark of the Fourth Sunday of Lent, Sunday “Laetare”. It is generally emphasized that the title “Laetare” expresses the joyful character of the day, in addition to the rose color of liturgical vestments. However, the texts of the liturgy of this Sunday, do not emphasize the theme of joy apparently, and do not give the impression that it is essential. So the question is whether the name “Laetare Sunday” is merely a reminiscence of the old liturgy, and whether the antiphon “Laetare Ierusalem” has not lost its importance. The object of the study is an attempt of reading more attentively the appeal “Laetare Ierusalem”, in order to locate a stronger connection of this antiphon with other, than joy, theological content, which this antiphon has brought already into the liturgy in the ancient times and still brings (the theme of the Holy City of Jerusalem, the royal theme and additional themes of gold, the gold rose and the rose color).
Journal: Roczniki Teologiczne
- Issue Year: 64/2017
- Issue No: 12
- Page Range: 129-143
- Page Count: 15
- Language: Polish