Considerations About the History of Research Concerning Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age in Oltenia Cover Image

Considerations About the History of Research Concerning Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age in Oltenia
Considerations About the History of Research Concerning Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age in Oltenia

Author(s): Simona Lazăr
Subject(s): History
Published by: Editura Academiei Române
Keywords: research history; archeology; Oltenia; Late Bronze Age; Early Iron Age;

Summary/Abstract: This article deals with the evolution of archaeological research regarding the ending of the Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age in Oltenia and neighboring area, starting the interwar period until present time. From the methodological point of view, the studying of the main characteristics of the researches must include the critical evaluation of the bibliographical sources and alsothe information offered by the archaeological information that we have. Most of the information comes from the central publications, such are: “Dacia”, “Studii şi Cercetări de Istorie Veche şi Arheologie” (SCIV, SCIVA), “Materiale şi cercetari Arheologice”, “Thraco-Dacica” etc. The specialized regional publications, and we are referring here especially to “Oltenia. Studii şi cercetări”, “Arhivele Olteniei” or the local ones, such are “Drobeta”, “Buridava”, “Litua”, are onthe second place as regarding the share. In the in the third category had been included works with monographical character (Vl. Dumitrescu, Necropola de incineraţie din epoca bronzului de la Cârna, M. Gumă, Civilizaţia primei epoci a fierului în sud–vestul României, M. Şandor Chicideanu, Cultura Zuto-Brdo Gârla Mare. Contribuţii la cunoaşterea epocii bronzului la Dunărea mijlocie şi inferioară, G. Crăciunescu, Cultura Verbicioara în jumătatea vestică a Olteniei, Ion Mozoi – Chicideanu, Obiceiuri funerare în epoca bronzului la Dunărea mijlocie şi inferioară, S. Lazăr, Cultura Vârtop în Oltenia and Sfârşitul epocii bronzului şi începutul epocii fierului în sud-vestul României), or syntheses that cover certain aspects of the problems that wediscuss here, or categories of items characteristic for this period, such are: M. Petrescu-Dîmboviţa, Depozitele de bronzuri din România (with accent on the Late Bronze and the Early Hallstatt), B. Hänsel, Beiträge zur regionalen und chronologischen Gliederung der älteren Hallstattzeit an der unteren Donau, A. Vulpe, Die Kurzschwerter, Dolche und Streitmesser der Hallstattzeit in Rumanien.

  • Issue Year: 2015
  • Issue No: XVI
  • Page Range: 253-262
  • Page Count: 10
  • Language: English
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