Rozumienie dowodu matematycznego a zagadnienie wyjaśnienia w matematyce
The Notion of Mathematical Proof and the Problem of
Explanation in Mathematics
Author(s): Krzysztof WójtowiczSubject(s): Philosophy of Science
Published by: Copernicus Center Press
Keywords: mathematical proof; explanation in mathematics; explanatory proofs; mathematical intuition;
Summary/Abstract: In the article, I present two possible points of view concerning mathematical proofs: (a) the formal view (according to which the formalized versions of mathematical proofs reveal their “essence”); (b) the semantic view (according to which mathematical proofs are sequences of intellectual acts, and a form of intuitive “grasp” is crucial). The problem of formalizability of mathematical proofs is discussed, as well as the problem of explanation in mathematics – in particular the problem of explanatory versus non-explanatory character of mathematical proofs. I argue, that this problem can be analyzed in a fruitful way only from the semantic point of view.
Journal: Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w Nauce
- Issue Year: 2015
- Issue No: 58
- Page Range: 89-114
- Page Count: 26
- Language: Polish