The pause in the conversation in Moroccan Arabic Cover Image

La pause dans la conversation en arabe marocain
The pause in the conversation in Moroccan Arabic

Author(s): Mounia Touiaq
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Keywords: pause; perception; phonologie; parler arabe du Maroc;

Summary/Abstract: The work presented here focuses on how the structuring of spontaneous conversation is related to prosody. How the prosodic parameters, including the break, they fit into a logical demarcation, establishment and orga-nization of parts of speech? To what extent are they relevant to the level of dis-course, intersubjective and interactional?Description of these data allowed us to understand different ways of struc-turing Moroccan spooked Arabic, prosodic point of view, but also in terms of thematic and interactional, without ever losing sight of the conversational speech is the location of enunciation issues to establish meaning. In the situation of a real conversation, the silence is an opportunity for a transfer of initiative or by speaking one or other of these contacts. On the other hand, the speaker who wishes to keep talking should avoid the use of the silent pause and use in preference to the filled pause. We hypothesize that one role of the silent pause is precisely to manage this aspect of the intersubjective and interactional space and to indicate whether a segment aims to allow the speaker to keep talking or given it to the caller.

  • Issue Year: 6/2011
  • Issue No: 12
  • Page Range: 207-230
  • Page Count: 24
  • Language: French
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