Scenarios as an Instruments for Determination of Capabilities Cover Image

Scénáře jako nástroj pro stanovení schopností
Scenarios as an Instruments for Determination of Capabilities

Author(s): Ján Spišák, Jaroslav Kolkus
Subject(s): Security and defense
Published by: Univerzita obrany
Keywords: Scenario;Concepts;System Approach;Capabilities;

Summary/Abstract: The article deals with scenario issues and their practical use for determining the capabilities to fulfill the missions of the Armed Forces. In the introduction, the article informs the reader about the basic terminology, the theoretical framework and the views of foreign and domestic experts on the given issue. In the next part, the paper presents critical attitude to the draft Concept of using the CAF until 2030, in relation to defined capabilities. Subsequently, the structural and content aspects of the hypothetical scenario are discussed, with the recommendation to use this method for processing similar documents in the national environment.

  • Issue Year: 17/2017
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 27-48
  • Page Count: 22
  • Language: Czech
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