Stable Balance of Terrorisms-Radical Destruction and Revenge at Equal or Greater Death Cover Image

Stabilna ravnoteža terorizama-Radikalna destrukcija i osveta jednakom ili većom smrti
Stable Balance of Terrorisms-Radical Destruction and Revenge at Equal or Greater Death

Author(s): Fahrudin Novalić
Subject(s): Philosophy
Published by: Hrvatsko Filozofsko Društvo
Keywords: death; frustrated tolerance; life; revengeful purpose; state terrorism; suicides terrorism

Summary/Abstract: Radicalism of state terrorism and of suicides terrorism have been keeping some relations of frustrated tolerance. There are and some possibilities of mutual attacks by mass destroing weapon – nuclear, biological and chemical weapon. Frustrated tolerance both of terrorisms – by terror against of terror – radicalizes their mutual relations and realizes of the revengeful purposes, of the equal or the greater death. In spite of, there is a possibility of courtly tolerance and the solution of that conflict – stable balance of cooperation, peace, security and of sound competition between facing sides. The solution is in finding of politics art which some rules not only realises, than of them and changes, too – finding of politics which doesn’t only the politics of politicians (Urlich Beck) and of stubborn extremists that have been closed with politics of power and domination, than and politics of society that doesn’t accept extrem explanations of religions and myths, that keep stimmulatings of reception of world ethos – to man common principles of autocontrol, norms and values, without a consideration to racism, national, religious and cultural appurtenance. The solution is in an accepting of multilateral identities and a stimulating of multilateral communication, including and intercultural communication between conflict sides, too – as an art of movement trough cultural obstacles, not only of some governments, than and of citizens – of individuals, social groups, different civil organisations and institutions. No question of that, the solution is in overcome of a poverty and misery as the most destructive weapon of mass annihilation, too. Economies of state terrorisms and of suicides terrorisms have firm grown with ‘normal economies’. Therefore, a control over them and financial sources of their power is important supposition of overcome of terrorisms. Last but not least, the solution is in strong and impartial critique of terrorism of many authors and activists for human rights, too. We only remember on such names that are adduced in this text – Yeshayahu Leibowitz, John Rose, Marc Ellis, Jessica Stern, Israel Shahak, Irena Klepfisz, Edward Said, Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Arundhati Roy, Amartya Sen, Amin Maalouf.

  • Issue Year: 27/2007
  • Issue No: 03/107
  • Page Range: 635-658
  • Page Count: 24
  • Language: Croatian
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