Металлические изделия эпохи бронзы из историко-краеведческого музея г. Бендеры
Metal objects of the Bronze Age from the Bender regional museum
Author(s): Vadim S. Bochkarev, Zinaida S. ShinkarenkoSubject(s): History, Archaeology, Ancient World
Published by: Издательский дом Stratum, Университет «Высшая антропологическая школа»
Summary/Abstract: Several bronze objects are published in the article. The earliest of them is a socketed axe from Bender found in 1991 (fig. 1: 1). It belongs to the Kolontaevskiy type and can be dated to the Catacomb culture of the Early Bronze Age. Two other objects are celts-adzes (fig. 1: 2,3) of unknown provenance which can be related to the Sabatinovka or Belozerka cultures of the Late Bronze Age or the beginning of the Early Iron Age. Such celts are broadly distributed in the Carpathian-Balkan and North Pontic regions. The last find also unknown provenance is a celt (fig. 1: 4). The object finds the best parallels in the Ananevskaya culture of the Volga-Kama interfluves. Similar celts were unknown in the Carpathian-Dnestr region so far. It is possible that the museum obtained this find from a visitant collector from the Volga-Ural area.
Journal: Stratum plus. Археология и культурная антропология
- Issue Year: 2002
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 592-594
- Page Count: 3
- Language: Russian
- Content File-PDF