Czyje lęki? Czyja nauka? Pomiędzy naukową niepiśmiennością a technokracją
Whose Fears? Whose Science? Between Scientific Illiteracy and Technocracy
Author(s): Andrzej W. NowakSubject(s): Cultural Essay, Political Essay, Societal Essay
Published by: Stowarzyszenie Czasu Kultury
Summary/Abstract: Whose Fears? Whose Science? Between Scientific Illiteracy and Technocracy We live in an age of modernity that is referred to as ‘self-reflexive’. The basic problem here is that it is no longer possible to develop modernity through colonization of that which is exterior. Science has lost its charm. What it was able to do so well in terms of what was exterior to it, has now turned against it. Today we are in a paradoxical situation. We have to criticize the practices of science and technology because this is required by the demand to monitor its progress. This is reasonable. Unfortunately, at the same time, this undermines the social authority of science. Science and technology have become complicated to the point that they are no longer in any way comprehensible to the public. It is clear that there is a growing wave of new forms of irrationalism. We are therefore facing a very difficult task: to simultaneously struggle against the growing process of scientific illiteracy and critically control technocratic tendencies – the dictates of scientific experts. In this text, I would like to briefly look at proposals for getting ourselves out of this bind.
Journal: Czas Kultury
- Issue Year: XXVIII/2012
- Issue No: 06
- Page Range: 4-15
- Page Count: 12
- Language: Polish
- Content File-PDF