Trapped by the National Literatures (The Case of Tadeusz Bulgarin)
Rec .: Abram I. Reitblatt, Faddei Venediktovich Bulgarin: ideologist, journalist, consultant to the secret police. Statii i materialy, "Nauchnaya biblioteka", Novoe Literaturnoje Oboz Cover Image

W pułapce narodowych literatur (przypadek Tadeusza Bułharyna) Rec.: Abram I. Rejtblat, Faddej Venediktovič Bulgarin: ideolog, žurnalist, konsultant sekretnoj policii. Stati i materialy, „Naučnaja biblioteka”, Novoje Literaturnoje Obozrenie, Moskva 20
Trapped by the National Literatures (The Case of Tadeusz Bulgarin) Rec .: Abram I. Reitblatt, Faddei Venediktovich Bulgarin: ideologist, journalist, consultant to the secret police. Statii i materialy, "Nauchnaya biblioteka", Novoe Literaturnoje Oboz

Author(s): Iwona Węgrzyn
Subject(s): Review, Theory of Literature
Published by: Towarzystwo Literackie im. Adama Mickiewicza
Keywords: bilingualism; Józef Emanuel Przecławski; Józef Julian Sękowski; nationality; Tadeusz Bułharyn; 19th century Polish literature;19th century Russian literature;

Summary/Abstract: The article discusses a book by Abram I. Rejtblat Faddej Venediktovič Bulgarin: ideology, žurnalist, konsultant sekretnoj policii. Stati i materialy (Moskva2016). The lecture is reminiscent of a Pole, Tadeusz Bulgarin, who, as a Russian-speaking journalist and a prose writer, marked a significant influenceon Russian culture in the 1830s and 1840s. The attempt to recreate the biography of Bulgarian Rejtblat links with reflection on the phenomenon of the evolution of the writer’s reputation and the influence of historical literary interpretations on shaping the image of the past.

  • Issue Year: LII/2017
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 387-394
  • Page Count: 8
  • Language: Polish
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