About the 19th Century as an Exhibition and about Good Practices in Digital Humanities Projects
Rec .: Modern exhibitions. Exhibitions and experience of modernization processes in Poland (1821-1929), edited by Małgorzata Litwinowicz-
-Droździel, Iwon Cover Image

O wieku xix jako wystawie oraz dobrych praktykach w projektach humanistyki cyfrowej Rec.: Ekspozycje nowoczesności. Wystawy a doświadczenie procesów modernizacyjnych w Polsce (1821–1929), pod redakcją Małgorzaty Litwinowicz- -Droździel, Iwony Kurz, P
About the 19th Century as an Exhibition and about Good Practices in Digital Humanities Projects Rec .: Modern exhibitions. Exhibitions and experience of modernization processes in Poland (1821-1929), edited by Małgorzata Litwinowicz- -Droździel, Iwon

Author(s): Bartłomiej Szleszyński
Subject(s): Cultural history, Review, Library and Information Science, 19th Century
Published by: Towarzystwo Literackie im. Adama Mickiewicza
Keywords: exhibition; modernity; theory of the 19th century;

Summary/Abstract: The institution of an exhibition was a very important factor in the culture of the 19th century. The book Ekspozycje nowoczesności. Wystawy a doświadczenie procesów modernizacyjnych w Polsce (1821–1929) (Expositions of modernity.State and local exhibitions on Polish territories 1821–1929 and experience of modernisation processes, ed. by M. Litwinowicz-Droździel, I. Kurz, P. Rodak,Warszawa 2017) is a very interesting attempt to tell the story of Polish 19th century through analyzing different aspects of exhibitions organized in Poland (the first one took place in 1821, and the last analyzed in the book took place in 1929). It shows many aspects of the 19th century mentality and main issues specific for Polish situation and Polish discourse on exhibitions and modernization.

  • Issue Year: LII/2017
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 399-405
  • Page Count: 7
  • Language: Polish
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