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The Luxor Temple and the Renewal of the Egypt

Author(s): András Gulyás
Subject(s): History, Cultural history, Customs / Folklore, Geography, Regional studies, Ancient World
Published by: Akadémiai Kiadó
Keywords: Opet festival; inundation of the Nile; Luxor; rituals; royalty;

Summary/Abstract: The importance of the Luxor temple in pharaonic times was due to the fact that the pharaoh and the priests were celebrating in this temple rituals in order to assure the inundation for Egypt. According to the contemporary hymns, Amun-Re, especially in his Kamutef aspect safeguarded the annual inundation. By analysing the inscriptions and reliefs of this temple, I arrived to the conclusion that the rituals in the Luxor temple were aimed at securing the fertility of the country. One of the main festivals of the Theban region, the procession of the Opet feast, held during the inundation season, started from Luxor and ended in Karnak temple, where we can see in the great hyposytle hall how water is coming forth under Amun’s feet. Thus the regeneration of the god and the country was completed.

  • Issue Year: 47/2003
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 5-33
  • Page Count: 29
  • Language: Hungarian
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