Генезис схематического образа побережья Чёрного моря на картах XV века
The Genesis of the Schematic Image of the Black Sea Coast Maps from the 15th Century
Author(s): Piotr KochanekSubject(s): History
Published by: Институт за исторически изследвания - Българска академия на науките
Keywords: history of cartography; mapping schemes; Black Sea; fifteenth century cartography; medieval cartography.
Summary/Abstract: The article analyzes the scheme of the Black Sea on the maps of the 15th century in the aspect of their genesis. Hence, it has the character of a comparative study. Along with the maps from the 15th century (eg. the maps of Andrea Bianco, of Giovanni Leardo, of Andreas Walsperger, the Borgia map, the Fra Mauro map, the Henricus Martellus map, etc.) the author also analyzes many other medieval maps (eg.: the map of Theodulf, the Albi map, the maps of Beatus of Liébana, the Macrobius map, the Guido Ravennas map, the Henry of Mainz map, the Ebstorf map, the map from the Hereford Cathedral, etc.). At its core, the article shows the evolution of mapping scheme of the Black Sea in the course of centuries from a purely schematic concepts to a realistic one, based on topographic measurements contained in the navigation maps called Portolan charts.
Journal: Bulgarian Historical Review / Revue Bulgare d'Histoire
- Issue Year: 2013
- Issue No: 3-4
- Page Range: 3-32
- Page Count: 30
- Language: Russian
- Content File-PDF