Argumenter: convaincre, persuader, manipuler. Une lecture objective de l'influence
To argue: to convince, to persuade, to manipulate. An objective reading of the influence
Author(s): Rodica STOICESCUSubject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Applied Linguistics
Published by: EDITURA ASE
Keywords: argue; convince; persuade; manipulate; influence; argumentative effectiveness; argumentative validity; logic of interests; normative definition; oratorical definition; polemic definition
Summary/Abstract: An objective reading of the influence assumes an accent shifting in theanalysis of the argumentative discourse. Instead of putting the emphasis onconcepts such as to convince and to persuade, which are seen as twoopposite argumentative strategies, this article intends to find out a commondenominator for them, namely the effectiveness, as long as theargumentative discourse is inevitably oriented towards the result in thesocial practice whenever it addresses to reason or to feelings. This type ofapproach does not mean that an objective reading of the influence shouldnot preserve the distinction between to convince-to argue, which isgrounded on reason and to persuade-to argue, which is grounded onpathos as it sets the two argumentative acts against the arguer’s logic ofinterests strictly on terms of argumentative effectiveness, somehowsimilarly to sophists’ manner, namely without ethical or moral commitment.This presumes also an attitude change in relation to the truth, which isconsidered as a unique criterion of validity of an argument. The author putsforward as criterion of validity of the argumentative discourse the Meaningas a set of significances which are met in a value system. Therefore, actingaccording to these values means to go in a good direction, namely in theHorse Sense.However what is the guarantee that an argumentation goes in the horsesense as long as the same facts could be variously interpreted? How couldone protect oneself against manipulation, namely against any wrongdirection given to the argumentative discourse? These are the questionsthe author takes into consideration in order to find an answer. He analysesfrom the point of view of the result, three types of definitions: normative,oratorical and polemic. These definitions, which are present in the debateconcerning the necessity and the lack of necessity that IMF allocates a loanfor Romania, have been used by the defenders of the two oppositepositions as strategies to influence public opinion
Journal: Dialogos
- Issue Year: 10/2009
- Issue No: 19
- Page Range: 7-21
- Page Count: 14
- Language: French