Ecumenism in the Second Vatican Council Cover Image

L’ecumenismo nel Concilio Vaticano II
Ecumenism in the Second Vatican Council

Author(s): Andrzej Piotr Perzyński
Subject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Sociology of Religion, History of Religion
Published by: Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Łodzi
Keywords: ecumenism; Second Vatican Council; Catholic Church; unity of Christians; John XXIII; Paul VI; reform; dialogue; ecclesiology;

Summary/Abstract: The article consists of the following parts: new Catholic ecumenism, the Council reform, the contribution of John XXIII, the contribution of Paul VI, theological foundation of the Council ecumenism, conclusions. The author focuses on the great personal contribution of the popes John XXIII and Paul VI in the renewal of the Church (including ecumenical dialogue) which took place fifty years ago during the Second Vatican Council. John XXIII connected strongly the idea of the Church reform aggiornamento with the unity of Christians. The Catholic doctrine in the area of ecumenical issues was most fully expressed in the Dogmatic Constitution on Church (Lumen gentium) and Decree on Ecumenism (Unitatis redintegratio). Its onset is the conviction about the unity of the Christ Church. The Council stressed that the foundation of the unity of Christians is the dogma of the Trinity (Unitatis redintegratio 12). Removing obstacles by leading a dialogue which allows us to understand existing doctrinal differences, eliminating prejudice in word and deed restore the unity (UR 4). The Decree on Ecumenism is a solemn involvement of the Catholic Church in the cause of Christian unity and the response of the Church to God’s call which is addressed to all contemporary Christians, encouraging them to earnestly desire, search and attain unity in Christ. The unity of Christians is a grace and gift which can be only expected from God and which should be asked for in prayer. In this spirit following Paul VI’s words, the Church in the Decree on Ecumenism asks God and separated brethren for forgiveness for the faults committed against unity and is also ready to forgive inflicted harm. Apart from prayer theological work is necessary for the unity and the Council repeatedly returns to it.

  • Issue Year: 23/2014
  • Issue No: 4
  • Page Range: 21-31
  • Page Count: 11
  • Language: Italian
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