Evoluţia miniaturisticii în documente de cancelarie
munteană şi moldoveană până în prima jumătate a secolului al XVII-lea. Studiu de caz: Colecţia Peceţi
The Evolution of Miniature Art in Wallachian and Moldavian Chancery Documents before the First Half of the 17th Century. Case study: Seals Collection
Author(s): Ileana DincăSubject(s): History, Middle Ages
Published by: Arhivele Nationale ale Romaniei
Keywords: Chancery; Seal; Miniature; Frontispiece; Cinnabar
Summary/Abstract: This article attempts to examine, in a complex comparative analysis, common characteristics and distinct characteristics of the miniature art from documents validated with pendant seals, in the chanceries of the two principalities, Wallachia and Moldavia. This study is based on the documents belonging to Seals Collection at the Central National Historical Archives.
Journal: Revista Arhivelor
- Issue Year: XCI/2014
- Issue No: 1-2
- Page Range: 89-98
- Page Count: 10
- Language: Romanian