Postulat antysemityzmu „naukowego” u Eugena Dühringa
The postulate of ‘scientifi c’ anti-Semitism in Eugen Dühring’s works
Author(s): Mariusz KopczyńskiSubject(s): History
Published by: Instytut Studiów Politycznych PAN
Summary/Abstract: The author presents the profi le of a German logician and economist who, paradoxically, owes his renown to his political opponent, Friedrich Engels, having been immortalised in one of his most important theoretical discourses, Anti-Dühring. As seen through Engel’s eyes, Eugen Dühring, of whom the work treats, is, fi rst and foremost, the initiator of economic communes and, as far as the grand designs of social reconstruction are concerned, a competitor to the Marxists. The author of this article, however, considers Dühring from an entirely different angle, focusing on the aspect of his views which has become a part of the stream of anti-Semitism referred to as ‘scientifi c’, as opposed to the older anti-Jewish notions resulting from Christianity’s religious prejudices against Judaism. The article dwells on the entire oeuvre of Dühring’s views on this topic, taking into account both the similarities with opinions voiced by other authors and his original thoughts, in particular regarding the details of ‘solving the Jewish issue’ by helping the German Reich to establish a Jewish state somewhere beyond Europe.
Journal: Studia Polityczne
- Issue Year: 2014
- Issue No: 34
- Page Range: 39-68
- Page Count: 30
- Language: Polish