Thematic Strand on the History of Education in Croatia Cover Image

Thematic Strand on the History of Education in Croatia
Thematic Strand on the History of Education in Croatia

Author(s): Vlasta Švoger
Subject(s): Education, Cultural history, History of Education
Published by: Hrvatski institut za povijest
Keywords: History of Education; Croatian education system; Croatian Institute of History;

Summary/Abstract: Education of young generations as a basis for the future and a precondition for modernization and progress in all spheres of social life has always been an important subject matter for the intellectuals, especially since the Enlightenment, and for the highest administrative structures of European monarchies. In Croatia, it is still an urgent issue. Although the history of education and school system is not a novelty in Croatian historiography on the regional, local, or national level, it is one of those research topics that abound in under-researched or only partially researched issues and aspects. A comprehensive, synthetic overview of the history of school system and education in Croatia is also missing, at least one that would be written in accordance with modern methodological approaches. Today, interdisciplinary and comparative approaches to the research topic, the use of relevant and international scholarly literature, and the innovative models of interpretation make it possible to reach fresh and interesting insights linked to the history of Croatian school system and offer a new interpretation of the previous research results.

  • Issue Year: 2017
  • Issue No: 53
  • Page Range: 77-79
  • Page Count: 3
  • Language: English
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