Предписания на паметта: Архивни политики към документалното наследство на жени и малцинства в българските архиви през втората половина на XX век и ...
Proscriptions of Memory: The Archival Policy to the Documental Heritage of Women and Minorities in the Bulgarian Archives during the Second Half ...
Author(s): Mariana PiskovaSubject(s): Gender Studies
Summary/Abstract: Proscriptions of Memory: The Archival Policy to the Documental Heritage of Women and Minorities in the Bulgarian Archives during the Second Half of the 20th Century and the Beginning of the 21th Century / In the article an attempt has been made to follow the policies of the Bulgarian archives to the documents of women and minorities. Was there a special attitude to the documents of women and minorities concerning their selection to be accepted in the archives; what part of them were represented in the archive funds; were thematic guides elaborated to ease their finding; were some of these documents published in the specialized periodicals. To answer these questions I analyzed both the personal funds of women and minorities and their institutional funds stored in the state archives - the funds created by women activists and activists of ethnical and religious minorities; by women’s organizations and societies; by female schools and monasteries; by the religious institutions, schools and societies of religious and ethnic minorities etc. To reveal the policies to the documents of women and minorities I analyzed the legislation of the Bulgarian archives from the middle of the 20th century to the present moment and also the methodology guides for their application. The acceptance, storing, and distributions of documents of women and minorities in the network of the Bulgarian archives, and also the forming of their archive complexes was fulfilled according to the valid general principles for the elaboration and function of archive system. Not a special policy to the informing about their content and their description in the archive guides could be observed. But still the archives of women and minorities were misrepresented in the state archives - by the end of the year 2009 from the general 65 000 funds in the state archives only 947 were women’s funds and 584 minorities’ funds.
Journal: Архиви на жени и малцинства
- Issue Year: 2011
- Issue No: 3
- Page Range: 14-37
- Page Count: 24
- Language: Bulgarian
- Content File-PDF